1/DLII4/OV557 - Kipp-Anhänger (Offre №116926739fr)


Country: Germany
Langue: DE
Nombre: 116926739
Date de publication: 30-12-2024

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Re-Advertisement: Quotations are hereby invited for the Appointment of a Service Provider for a Professional Writer of Global Environment Facility (GEF) 8 and Global Biodiversity Framework Fund (GBFF) CEO Endorsement Request Documents. Scope: - The Client seek professional services from a highly skilled and experienced writer/editor and/or company to produce the GEF 8 and GBFF CEO Endorsement Request Documents in the context of the clients Vision 2040 aspirations; - The successful writer/editor and/or company would need to possess an exceptional command of the English language and have substantial experience in writing documents and visionary aspirations; - The Client seek professional writing/editing services from a provider with experience and expertise in the writing/editing and proof-reading of long-term visions and strategy development. Experience in writing/editing and reporting in the areas of environment and nature conservation would be a distinct advantage. The ideal service provider must demonstrate the ability to write/edit and communicate in a technical manner alongside an aspiring vision; - The writing/editing style should be in the context of and aligned to the clients Vision 2040 and Strategic Plan, but content-specific to the GEF Grant requirements. Previous GEF project preparation proposals can be cited in this regard; - Whilst preparing a technical document of this nature, one should carefully ensure alignment with the aspiration of the clients Vision 2040 and the White Paper without losing the content specification as per GEF CEO Endorsement Request Document requirements. Source: ONLINE TENDERS

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