Erschließung Gewerbegebiet "Brookstraße-Ost" (Offre №115665429fr)


Country: Germany
Langue: DE
Nombre: 115665429
Date de publication: 09-12-2024

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Accès total
Bids are hereby invited for the appointment of professional consultants to develop a level 1 integrated disaster management plan for Roads Infrastructure across five districts in Limpopo Province. Scope of Work: The service provider will be expected to do the following activities: - Conducting desktop research/studies; - Compiling reports for the key milestones achieved towards the development of the DMP; - Draft the DMP; - Stakeholder engagement through workshops and interviews; - Project management to ensure the successful completion of the project; The following outputs are expected from the service provider: - Project Inception report; - Monthly progress reports; - Reports on project milestones; - Indicative risk profiles for all functional areas under roads infrastructure - Final draft Disaster Management Plan for the DMRE (both electronic and hard copy format) and; - Support in presentation of DMP to the impacted stakeholders as part of consultation. Source: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the supply of microbiological testing (food pathogens): • JHB 2 x a month; • DBN 2 x a month; • CPT 2 x a month; • PE Lounges 2 x a month; • 4 x Lounges (CPT, DBN, JHB and PE) 2 x month for each; • 3 x JHB Canteen (SAAT Canteens, Cargo Canteens and Airways Park Canteen) 2 x a month for each. Source: ONLINE TENDERS

Bids are hereby invite for the construction of 2.4m high clearview high security fence at the CCS Clinic in Prieska in the Northern Cape. Source: ONLINE TENDERS

Röntgenfluoreszenzspektrometer Source:

Lasersystem (24-01484) Source:

Beabsichtigte Vergabe der Frühjahrsaufforstung 2025 im Forstamt Stavenhagen (LAFO-2024-0122) Source: