Lieferung von Geräten und Ausstattung für Feuerwehr (Offre №110072692fr)


Country: Germany
Langue: DE
Nombre: 110072692
Date de publication: 30-08-2024

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Accès total
Re-advertisement: Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply and delivery of electrical materials to Workshop at NHLS Sandringham Campus for 12 months. Source: ONLINE TENDERS

Re-Advertisement: Prospective service providers are hereby invited to bids for the appointment of a panel of ten (10) service providers for mechanical repairs, overhaul of vehicles, plant and hydraulic equipment for a period of three (03) years on as and when required basis. Source: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Generator battery x 1 unit. Specifications: • 681/2; • 12V Class A; • CN – 210ah. Source: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Provisioning of professional services to assess, design, scope, and project manage the installation of borehole water supply for NHLS Sandringham Campus. Scope of work: Phase 1: Cost for drilling 2 boreholes, servicing the existing borehole, and conducting a yield test. Phase 2: Including professional inputs, preliminary estimate. To be approved and signed (certified) by a registered civil engineer with a valid PR number (Engineering Council of South Africa (ECSA)). Phase 3: Including finalizing changes and estimates for acceptance and sign-off of the work done by the contractor. Phase 4: Including finalization of all documentation (specifications, bill of quantities, tender documents) for the tender phase. Source: ONLINE TENDERS

S 211 ENB Brücke BW 8, einschl. BW 6 und BW 10 in Neuhausen, Los 1 - Baufeldfreimachung und vorbereitende Maßnahmen Source:

B 96 DSH-V Westtangente Bautzen in 2 Bauabschnitten Source: