Servicio de sonido, pantalla, luces y tarima para el festival cultural de celebracion del dia del estado plurinacional de bolivia (Offre №97723267fr)


Country: Bolivia
Langue: BO
Nombre: 97723267
Date de publication: 12-01-2024

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Accès total
Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Material for Staphylococcus Elisa. Specification: - 1 x Sodium cholate hydrate, Suitable for cell culture, Bioreagent, - 1 x 0.2-µm membrane, pore size 0.2 µm, diam. 25 mm, sterile Membrane filter, 50 pkg, - 3 x 96 well polystyrene plate, 96 well solid microplates clear polystyrene or natural polypropylene useful for ELISA assays. Clear, Non-Sterile, Polypropylene, 50 plates, Deep Well, - 1 x Sodium bicarbonate (NAHCO³), - 1 x Sodium carbonate (NA²CO³), - 1 x Gelatin, - 1 x Tween 20, - 1 x Horseradish peroxidase-conjugated polyclonal sheep anti-bovine IgG (heavy and Light Chain), - 1 x Horse peroxidase substrate, - 5 x Tryptic Soy broth, - 5 x Tryptic Soy Agar. Source: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply and delivery of protective personal equipment for general assistants. Specifications: • Navy reflective safety bomber jacket with hood - navy with a strip of a reflector on the arms and the bottom of the jacket, with an emblem on the left-hand side of the jacket and Zululand District Municipality at the back, • Overall top-navy with a stripe of a reflector on the arms and the bottom of the jacket with an emblem on the left hand side of the top and Zululand District Municipality at the back, • Overall trouser - navy with a stripe of a reflector on both knees, • T-Shirts - navy with emblem on the left hand side of the t-shirt and Zululand District Municipality at the back, • Rain coats - a navy safety bomber rain coats with a Zululand District Municipality at the back, • Hats - navy hat with Zululand District Municipality emblem at the front. Source: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply of Bench-top Homogeniser. Specification: - 1 x Bench-top Homogeniser, Aggregate and motor Service. Source: ONLINE TENDERS

Re-Advertisement: Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Electrical works and installation of prepaid electrical meter boxes on ERF 4061 Hout Bay Western Cape. Scope of work: The HDA requires from appropriately qualified, competent, experienced, and professionally registered electrical contractors to: • Conduct a status analysis of the electrical reticulation on Erf 4061. Source: ONLINE TENDERS

Contratación del servicio de transporte escolar para la unidad educativa luis espinal - el chaco tramo 3 d-7 (118) Source:

Contratación del servicio de transporte escolar para la unidad educativa potolo tramo 1 d-8 (135) Source: