Repairing of Sakaibari DTW Schemes of Kalacherra RD Block under WR Sub-Division Dharmanagar during the year 2024-25-SH- Washing and Re-development repairing of pump house UPVC distribution system etc. (Offre №114603309fr)


Country: India
Langue: EN
Client: eProcurement System of Government of Tripura
Nombre: 114603309
Date de publication: 22-11-2024

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Mtc. of UPVC pipeline of existing L.I Schemes at East Tiltai west Tiltai Rajnagar Jubarajnagar Mangalkhali and dupiabandh GP under Water Resource Sub-Division Dharmanagar during the year 2024-25-SH- Extension of pipeline providing of hydrant points r Source: Central public Procurement portal India

Mtc. of different L.I Schemes under Damcherra R.D Block and Panisagar Nagar Panchayat under Water Resource Sub-Division Panisagar North Tripura during the year 2024-25-SH- Mtc. of UPVC distribution system Source: Central public Procurement portal India

Mtc. of different L.I Schemes under Panisagar Water Resource Sub-Division Panisagar North Tripura during the year 2024-25-SH - Rewinding of motor etc. Source: Central public Procurement portal India

Extension of UPVC pipeline of existing LI schemes at Sanicherra Gobindapur Bhagyapur south Hurua and North Hurua GP under WR Sub-Division Dharmanagar during the year 2024-25-SH- Extension of pipeline providing of hydrant points repair of leakage. Source: Central public Procurement portal India

Установка и пуско-наладка ГКТП (силовых трансформаторов городского типа) ТМГ с расширительным баком в филиалах АКБ «Агробанк» по Наманганской области Source: УЗБЕКСКАЯ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКАЯ ТОВАРНО-СЫРЬЕВАЯ БИРЖА

FDR-Flood protection works along bank of River kakri near the house of Ananta M Das at Gour Gopal Sarani ward no-10 under Dharmanagar Municipal Council during the year 2024-25-SH- Earth filling bank revetment works by sand cement block (L-75.00 m) Source: Central public Procurement portal India